A Hangar is placed in a village where a Pastor has begun to minister and had some initial success in spreading the gospel. A Hangar is simply steel post set in concrete and a tin roof. Each village is then responsible for raising the funds and providing their own bricks, or however they choose to cover the sides. Some have used millet stalks to cover the sides. The activity of placing the posts and putting on the roof can be accomplished by teams who visit from Engage Burkina Sponsoring churches.Churches are built among villages of unreached people groups. Currently, we are working in the bush area of SW Burkina Faso where there are over two dozen unreached people groups. People groups are targeted for evangelism and development by African Pastors who set the direction concerning what villages are ready and in need of a structure.
Phone: (770) 222-2125
3522 Hiram Acworth Hwy, Dallas, GA 30132